


  • broken image

    About me

    Hi, I'm Peter Jensen.

    I am a communications specialist who's based in Portland, Oregon. This is a personal website to showcase some of my writing and photography. Let's connect on social media - the link to my LinkedIn page is below!

  • Newspaper writing clips

    October 19, 2018 · Column writing,Baseball,Family
    To be a fan of baseball is to fall truly, hopelessly in love with its moments. The game makes you wait. It’s a three-hour event with 20 minutes of action, but those 60-second intervals are sublime. A baseball game’s climax will stir your soul like the crescendo of a summer symphony or Hamlet’s...
       At the start of this month [June 2017], I celebrated 10 years of working in the newspaper industry. In my profession’s heyday, that wasn’t worth celebrating. Journalists routinely spent decades working for daily or weekly newspapers.    Given the economic tumult my industry has experienced,...
    In 1964, before he burst into the national conscience as one of America’s premier authors and a withering critic of its culture and politics, Hunter S. Thompson was a 27-year-old who arrived in Ketchum in search of an answer. That year, Thompson was on assignment for the National Observer,...
  • Let's talk!

    I look forward to connecting with you!

    broken image

    Portland, Oregon